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Odoo eCommerce Crypto Currency Payment Acquirer

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In today's time Crypto Currency has become relevant and cannot be overlooked. Crypto Currencies such as Bitcoin are becoming a form of payment on every platform.


In today's time Crypto Currency has become relevant and cannot be overlooked. Crypto Currencies such as Bitcoin are becoming a form of payment on every platform.

We have created integration with Payment Acquires such as





The currencies supported include







Coinbase is a secure and reliable online payment gateway makes it really easy for user to accept digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and etc and the platform for buying, selling, transferring, and storing digital currency

Payment Option :-

1. Added coinbase to odoo Payment Acquirers

2. Adding Coinbase Credentials if the provider is Coinbase

You will get the api key from your coinbase account Select the Profile Menu in the top-right corner of the Exchange dashboard. Select API from the menu. Under Profile Information, select the API Settings tab, then select + New API Key

3. Website

Here odoo will list all the enabled Payment gateways choose our Coinbase and Click on Pay Now button

4. Redirect to Coinbase Page

Here we will get the sale order name, total amount and all, then choose the particular currency like Bitcoin, Ethereum etc. This page will be valid for one hour. In this case we chose the Bitcoin it will direct to another page.

5. Here we can scan the QR code, and pay