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Odoo Disable Followers

Odoo Disable Customers As A Follower

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Pragmatic has developed an Odoo module which disables the customers as being added as a follower automatically into the complete system. We have given the configuration to disable or enable it in the General Settings. Generally in the odoo, automatically partners(customers, vendors, contacts) are added as the followers. so our module restricts that. This module disables the partners automatically added as followers. This module includes,

  • Quotation Confirmation: Partners are restricted as followers upon quotation confirmation.

  • RFQ Confirmation: Vendors are restricted from followers list upon purchase order/RFQ confirmation.

  • Invoice/Bill/Credit/Debit Note Validation: Followers remain unaffected by validation actions.

  • Email Sending: restricted partners from followers list when sending emails within sale orders/quotations or purchase orders/RFQs.

  • Create/Update Picking: When you create or update the picking the partners are restricted as the followers.

  • Salesperson Exclusion in Invoices: Restricts salesperson additions as followers in invoices/bills/credit notes.

Odoo Disable Followers Features

Restrict Sending
Follow-up Emails on Reassignment:
  • Prevents automatic emails when reassigning responsible persons (salespersons, purchase representatives, etc.) in sales, purchase.

    Restrict To Add Salesperson As Followers In Accounting
    • Stops salespersons from automatically becoming followers on invoices, credit notes.

      Quotation: No Automatic Followers
      • Restrict adding partners as followers when a quotation is created or confirmed.

        RFQ Restrict Followers:
        • Restrict adding followers (including vendors) to requests for quotation (RFQs).

          Accounting Restrict Followers
          • Restricts adding followers to invoices, credit notes, bills.

            Inventory Restricts Followers
            • Restricts adding followers to inventory operations, potentially including picking creation/updates.

              Go to settings => general settings to restrict the partner automatically added as follower.

              In the Inventory, you can see its 0 follower while creating the receipts.

              Once the receipt is confirmed Partner is added as follower by default.

              In the Settings ==> General settings ==> Enable the 'Disable to add followers by Create/Update Picking' to restrict the partners automatically added as followers. Once the receipt is confirmed Partner is added as follower by default.

              In the Inventory, you can see it’s 0 followers.

              After Confirming, Partner is restricted from the follower’s list.

              In the quotation,see the follower’s list.

              After confirming the quotation,the customer is added as the follower in the follower’s list .

              In the Settings ==> General settings ==> Enable the 'Disable to add followers by confirm Quotation' to restrict the partners automatically added as followers.

              In the quotation, you can see the follower’s list.

              After confirming the quotation. customer not added as follower in the follower’s list.

              Validate Invoice/Bill/Credit Note Workflow In the invoice, you can see the follower’s list.

              After confirming the invoice.In the follower’s list, customer added as the follower in the invoice.

              In the Settings ==> General settings ==> Enable the 'Disable to add followers by validate Invoice/Bill' to restrict the partners automatically added as followers.

              In the invoice, you can see the follower’s list.

              After confirming the invoice.In the follower’s list, customer not added as the follower in the invoice.

              Now, confirm the credit note, you can see the follower’s list.

              After confirming In the follower’s list partner not added as the follower in the credit note.

              As soon as you confirm the bill, you'll be able to view the follower’s list.

              In the follower’s list partner not added as the follower in the bill.

              In the request for quotation/purchase order, you can see the follower’s list.

              After confirming the request for quotation/purchase order In the follower’s list, vendor added as the follower.

              In the Settings ==> General settings ==> Enable the 'Disable To Followers By Confirm RFQ' feature to restrict the partners automatically added as followers.

              In the purchase order/RFQ,the vendor has not been added as a follower.

              In the quotation/sale order, when we click on the 'Send By Email' button.

              Now we send the email, you can see the recipient's/customer's name.

              In the follower's list customer added as the follower.

              In the Settings ==> General settings ==> Enable the 'Disable Followers for Send by Email' to restrict the partners automatically added as followers.

              In the quotation/sale order, when we click on the 'Send By Email' button.

              Now we send the email, you can see the recipient's/customer's name.

              In the follower's list, a customer is not added as the follower.

              In the quotation/purchase order, when we click on the 'Send By Email' button.

              We send the email, you can see the recipient's/partner's name.

              In the follower's list partner is not added as the follower.

              In the Settings ==> General settings ==> disable all checkboxes except 'Disable Followers for Send by Email' to restrict the partners automatically added as followers.

              After that create a sale quotation and send mail.

              After clicking on the send mail button there is no customer added as a follower in the follower’s list.

              After clicking on the confirm button there is a customer added as a follower.

              And also it works for Purchase order, first create requests for quotation and send mail.

              After clicking on the send mail button .There are no followers added, Proceed by clicking on confirm order button.

              After clicking on the confirm button there is a vendor added as a follower.

              Here we are going to disable Salesperson. sales quotation is not saved and see the follower’s list there is 0 follower present.

              After saving a sales quotation in this follower’s list salesperson gets added.

              In the Settings ==> General settings ==> Enable the 'Disable to add salesperson as followers' to restrict the salesperson automatically added as followers.

              Before saving sales quotations in the follower’s list there is 0 follower present.

              After saving the sales quotation in the follower’s list salesperson does not get added.

              Also in Invoicing after saving Invoice see the follower’s list.salesperson does not get added.

              Here we are going to disable Buyer in Purchase, request for quotation is not saved and see the follower’s list.

              After saving a request for quotation, in the follower’s list buyer gets added.

              In the Settings ==> General settings ==> Enable the 'Disable to add buyer as followers' to restrict the buyer automatically added as followers.

              After saving the request for quotation, in the follower’s list here buyer does not get added.

              Here we are going to disable Responsible,inventory receipts are not saved and see the follower’s list.

              After saving an inventory, receipts in the follower’s list responsible gets added.

              In the Settings ==> General settings ==> Enable the 'Disable to add responsible as followers' to restrict the responsible person automatically added as followers.

              Create the receipts in Inventory.

              In the follower's list the responsible person does not add as the follower in the inventory.