Pragmatic’s customer, EO2 Concepts is an advanced wound care technology company, and developer of a progressive that provides therapy to difficult-to-heal wounds. Pragmatic’s Odoo solutions were selected by the customer for managing patient and other data coming from different departments.
Pragmatic, a leading provider of Odoo solutions, today announced that a leading Healthcare technology company known for healing wounds with their unique therapy has selected Pragmatic to implement an Odoo solution for managing crucial data from different departments.
“High on our customer’s requirements list was an integrated ERP solution which can satisfy all aspects of enterprise needs and could be deployed and managed rapidly without the need for additional manpower,” said Mr. Shabbir Merchant, President and Founder of Pragmatic techsoft Pvt Ltd.
Pragmatic has developed a complete Healthcare Information Management Solution on the open source Odoo platform. Apart from the cost effectiveness of the solutions, the key differentiator why Pragmatic was chosen is the solution’s flexibility to be customized as per the requirements. Pragmatic;s 321 Launch Odoo implementation approach is robust and proven. Taking care of client expectations during the whole project, this approach provides delivery on time and helps to mitigate risks and integration challenges. The base HIMS product was in place and Pragmatic team tailored this solution to fit the needs of EO2 concepts thus drastically cutting down the time to implement and develop.
Richard Travino, Financial Analyst at EO2 spearheaded the Requirement Gathering, Documentation, Validation and User Acceptance from EO2 to make sure that project was a huge success.
About Pragmatic
Pragmatic is a dynamic and fast growing company committed towards creating value for our customers. Located in Pune, India the educational and IT hub of western India, we take pride in delivering rapid, customized open source enterprise applications following agile and lean software methods. Whether you are developing an application from scratch, working on an existing application or porting your application to a new platform or framework, we can meet your business needs.
Pragmatic focus on making technology work for our clients by delivering quality offshore and outsourcing solutions which reduce the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of IT development and operations. We develop a business solution that is not only functional, but shows a return on their investment almost immediately to our clients.
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